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6 Simple Ways to Cut Your Costs of Living and Save $$$

Ready to take control of your money in 2018? By making a few small changes now, you can start the new year with a fresh budget and a plan to get your spending and savings back on track.

From cable bills to everyday spending habits, these 6 tips will help you save more, spend less and get on the fast track to financial success.

1. Set Goals

You might think that first on our list should be the infamous New Year’s resolutions we’ve become so accustomed to year after year. But since New Year’s resolutions tend to flop by January 30 each year, goal setting is a much better option!

Setting goals is a habit for people who win with money, and it should become a habit for you too. Studies have shown that just by having a goal for something it brings you closer to that goal versus not having any goal at all.

An important part of this equation is making sure your goals are S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time oriented. Once you have a goal or goals in mind that include all of these attributes, chop your goal into smaller pieces, or milestones, that you can hit more easily. Once you hit each milestone, celebrate! This will help to encourage you as you move forward toward your financial goals.

Also, write down your financial goals, and put them in an obvious place so you see them often – such as on the refrigerator or next to a door you walk through frequently.

2. Make a Budget

It’s hard to tell where you’re headed if you haven’t mapped out where you are! The word ‘budget’ gets a bad rap — but it’s not about depriving yourself or taking things away — it’s about adding freedom to your life. When you take control of your spending and saving, you give yourself the freedom to make certain choices when you want to make them. Bottom line: budgeting isn’t as scary or as difficult as it sounds — it’s just about making sure your money goes where you want it to go.

3. Negotiate Prices

Did you know that you can negotiate in almost any kind of purchasing situation?

Though you might have previously thought negotiation was only for the bigger purchases such as home buying or car shopping, you can also negotiate at retail stores and online too. You can even negotiate to lower your bills!

4. Slash Excess Spending

Every so often, it’s a good idea to track your purchasing history to see where your money is going. An easy way to do this is by using budget apps like or Then, once you see where your money is going, you can make adjustments where necessary. Do you really need to buy that new iPhone or Android device ever time a new one comes out?

You might even want to try a 30 day household financial cleanse to jump start your savings.

5. Cut Monthly Bills

Monthly expenses can bite us if we aren’t careful. Cable is no exception! With the average cable bill being about $99.10, according to Liechtman Research Group, cable and other monthly expenses can really add up over time. (This free service will even cut your monthly bills for you!)

6. Switch Up Your Grocery Routine

There is no doubt that spending in the grocery category of your budget can vary a TON from household to household. I’ve read about people who spend anywhere from $70 to $1,500 – for just two adults.

But the good news is, even if you have trouble spending in the grocery category, this is one place where you can save a ton! It just requires a little extra time, a few sacrifices, and some practice.

If you’re new to saving-friendly grocery shopping, be sure to consider Aldi as a lower cost option. Also, try a delivery company like Blue Apron. They cut down on waste and are an affordable option for a 2 person dinner.